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    --- title: "Glossaire de l'interface utilisateur du module Analytics" description: "Cette rubrique répertorie les termes utilisés dans l'interface utilisateur du module Analytics." parent: Révision des analyses---

    | -A- | -B- | -C- | -D- | -E- | -F- | -G- | -H- | -I- | -J- | -K- | -L- | -M- | -N- | -O- | -P- | -Q- | -R- | -S- | -T- | -U- | -V- | -W- | -X- | -Y- | -Z- |


    Active Media
    The number of active videos in the account. Note that this data is not real-time - it is synced from your video library once a day. Also note that this data may not be accurate if you are looking at "real-time" analytics data (less than 3 days old).
    Analytics API
    REST-based application programming interface that allows developers to retrieve analytics metrics for Video Cloud videos directly in JSON format. The Analytics API provides the data for the Analytics UI in Video Cloud Studio.


    Total Bandwidth
    Total bandwidth used to deliver videos, images and player loads. Note that some parts of bandwidth data are delayed, because they come from external sources such as CDNs. Normally the information is complete within 48 hours, but in some cases the day may be as much as 5 days.
    Browser Type
    The brower type. Typical values are:
    • chrome
    • safari
    • firefox
    • ie
    Bytes Delivered
    The total data, in bytes, delivered to viewers, including video/audio data (including buffered data whether or not it was played), poster and thumbnail images, and any data associated with the video player.


    City where a video was viewed.
    English short name of the country where the video was viewed. Follows the ISO 3166 standard.
    Comma-separated values. Analytics data can be exported in this format.


    Daily Unique Users
    This is the estimated number of unique viewers that a video had on a given day. This data is only available reconciled data (after 3 days), and only at the account level. For more information, see Analytics API: Unique Users.
    Day of the month the video was viewed.
    Combination of device type and device operating system used to view a video.
    Device Operating System
    Device operating system used on the device to view a video. Possible values are:
    • Android
    • Bada
    • iOS
    • Linux
    • OS X
    • RIM (Blackberry)
    • Symbian
    • Web OS
    • Windows
    • Other - for user-agents which are not mapped to any of the above
    Device Manufacterer
    The manufacterer of the device. Some typical values are:
    • lenovo
    • apple
    • sony
    • microsoft
    Device Type
    Device type used to view a video. Possible values are:
    • Desktop - includes desktop and laptop computers
    • Tablet - includes iPads, Android tablets, etc.
    • Mobile - mobile phones
    • Connected TV/Game Console/Companion Device - includes Smart TVs, set-top boxes and game consoles
    • Other - for user-agents which are not mapped to any of the above
    Dimensions are analytics data categories that you can report and filter on. Current dimensions available are:
    Display Domain
    Referring domain reported by the client (browser or other).
    Display URL
    The URL the viewer was on when they watched a video.


    Engagement Score
    The average percent watched per video view (calculated by adding all the percentage watched divided by the number of Video Views). For more information on how this is calculated, see Calculating Video Engagement Score.






















    Play Rate
    Play rate is the number of times a video was played back (video_view) divided by the number of opportunities for playback (video_impression).
    Play Request
    A play request is counted every time the play button is clicked.
    Video Cloud player ID.
    Player Load
    Number of times a player was loaded.
    Player Name
    Name of the Video Cloud player.




    Province or state name where a video was viewed. Follows the ISO 3166 standard.




    Traffic Sources
    An indication of how the viewer reached the player page. Possible values are:
    • Referral - User followed a link to the video
    • Direct - User typed the link directly, used a bookmark, or used a link from an email
    • Organic Search - User performed a search and clicked on a result to get to the video
    • Paid Search - User performed a search and clicked on a paid result to get to the video
    • Secure Search - User logged in with a Google account, performed a search and clicked on a result (either paid or organic; search information is not included in this case)


    Unique Users
    See Daily Unique Users


    Video Cloud ID of the video.
    Video Bandwidth
    Total bandwidth used to deliver videos only.
    Video Duration
    Length of the video in seconds.
    Video Engagement
    A measure of the average percent watched per video view (calculated by adding all the percentage watched divided by the number of Video Views). For more information on how this is calculated, see Calculating Video Engagement Score.
    Video Name
    Name of the video.
    Video Views
    The number of times a video started playing, recorded when the stream is started (does not include rewind or replay). It is not a measure of individual viewers.
    Viewed Minutes
    The total number of minutes a video was viewed
    Views at 1%
    The number of views recorded at the 1% point of the video.
    Views at 25%
    The number of views recorded at the 25% point of the video.
    Views at 50%
    The number of views recorded at the 50% point of the video.
    Views at 75%
    The number of views recorded at the 75% point of the video.
    Views at 100%
    The number of views recorded at the 100% point of the video.
    Video Impression
    The number of times a video was loaded into a player and ready for interaction.




    Microsoft Excel file. Analytics data can be exported in this format.





    Page last updated on 26 Jul 2022