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    --- title: Beacon Analytics Business Metrics description: "Dans cette rubrique, vous découvrirez les dimensions personnalisées et les mesures personnalisées uniques ajoutées à votre compte Google Analytics pour Brightcove Beacon." parent: Révision des analyses---


    The table in the next section lists the custom dimensions and single custom metric used by Brightcove Beacon in Google Analytics. These are added to your Google Analytics account by Brightcove, or you can do this yourself following the steps in the Google Analytics Self Configuration document. Note the following for the custom dimensions and metic:

    • Applicable to all platforms
    • Reporting is done on Priority items listed in the last column
    • Please note that there is a maximum of 20 custom dimensions for FREE Google Analytics accounts and 20 custom metrics

    Custom metrics and dimensions

    Description Custom Dimension Custom Metric Dimension Metric Using Event and Filters Priority
    Play events by city Town/City Total Events Y 1
    Geographic distribution Town/City Total Events Y 1
    Play events by production year Production Year Y 2
    Play events by country of origin (production) Country of Origin Total Events Y 2
    Top movies Event Action Total Events Y 1
    Top series Event Action Total Events Y 1
    Top channels Event Action Total Events Y 1
    Time watched by movie Time Watched Event Action Y 1
    Time watched by episodes Season Number /
    Episode Number
    Time Watched Event Action Y 1
    Time watched by series Time Watched Event Action Y 1
    Time watched by channel Time Watched Event Action Y 1
    Time watched by movie genre Genre Time Watched Y 1
    Time watched by series genre Genre Time Watched Y 1
    Time watched by channels genre Genre Time Watched Y 1
    Movies watched by account Account Token (GDPR) Time Watched Y 2
    Series watched by account Account Token (GDPR) Time Watched Y 2
    Channels watched by account Account Token (GDPR) Time Watched Y 2
    Consolidation of VOD during the week - movies Time Watched Day of Week Name Y 1
    Consolidation of VOD during the week - series Time Watched Day of Week Name Y 1
    Consolidation of VOD during the week - channels Time Watched Day of Week Name Y 1
    Top search keywords Event Action Total Events Y 1
    Top rated titles Event Action Total Events Y 1
    Pick time of VOD Hour Total Events Y 1
    Pick time Live Channels Hour Total Events Y 1
    Number of users by country/city Country OR City Users N 1
    Users by type (subscription related) User Type (e.g. visitor, free_user, trialist, subscriber) Users N 1
    Users by platform Platform Users N 1

    Page last updated on 26 Jul 2022